The following points were taken from today's sermon. Below is a partial summarization.  Please download for a full review.

Accepting Not Being Selected: Not Everything Is A Rejection Mindset Embraces:


It is godly to allow yourself to feel the emotions:


·         Don't suppress or minimize your initial disappointment. It's natural to feel some sadness, frustration, or even hurt when you don't get the outcome you desire.

·         Acknowledge these feelings, perhaps by journaling or talking to a trusted friend. Validate that it's okay to feel disappointed.



 It is godly to reframe the situation:


·         Consider what you may have learned from the experience and how you can grow from it. Look for the potential silver linings.

·         Focus on the things you can control, like continuing to develop your skills and seeking out other opportunities.


 It is godly to practice self-compassion:


·         Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a close friend in a similar situation.

·         Avoid harsh self-criticism or berating yourself. Speak to yourself with patience and encouragement.


 It is godly to maintain an attitude of gratitude:


·         Even in the face of disappointment, try to cultivate gratitude for the positive aspects of your life and situation.

·         Remind yourself of your strengths, skills, and the other blessings you have, rather than dwelling solely on what you didn't get.


 It is godly to stay persistent and resilient:


·         View this as a temporary setback, not a permanent defeat. Keep putting yourself out there for new opportunities.

·         Each time you experience non-selection, you’ll get a little more practice at handling it with grace and self-compassion.

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Accepting Not Being Selected...





As a congregation, The Tabernacle of Glory bases our studies and principles on the Six Holy Currencies of the Cycle of Blessings through the lens of Acts 2:42-46:

The believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers. A sense of awe came over everyone. God performed many wonders and signs through the apostles. All the believers were united and shared everything. They would sell pieces of property and possessions and distribute the proceeds to everyone who needed them. Every day, they met together in the temple and ate in their homes. They shared food with gladness and simplicity. They praised God and demonstrated God's goodness to everyone. The whole city was favorable to them. The Lord added daily to the community those who were being saved.

The Cycle of Blessings, by author External link opens in new tab or windowEric Law, teaches how the six currencies of: time and place, gracious leadership, relationship, truth, wellness and money flow and recirculate to form a cycle of blessings to empower congregations as well as strengthen their internal relationships and to reach out and connect with the diverse populations in their neighborhood.